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WTB Elektro GmbH - worldwide partner of the industry

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Contact details

Stefan Trenkel Tel.: +49 34779 901-0 trenkel@wtb-elektro.de
Michael Zierold Tel.: +49 34779 901-0 zierold@wtb-elektro.de
Authorised Officert
Christian Steinacker
State-approved technician
Tel.: +49 34779 901-30 steinacker@wtb-elektro.de
Constanze Belitz Tel.: +49 34779 901-0 belitz@wtb-elektro.de
Project management
Stefan Trenkel Tel.: +49 34779 901-0 trenkel@wtb-elektro.de
Michael Zierold Tel.: +49 34779 901-0 zierold@wtb-elektro.de
Christian Steinacker
State-approved technician
Tel.: +49 34779 901-30 steinacker@wtb-elektro.de
Sven Herrmann Tel.: +49 34779 901-39 herrmann@wtb-elektro.de
Head of the programming department
Frank Buchmann
State certified technician
Tel.: +49 34779 901-41 buchmann@wtb-elektro.de
Head of the CAD department
Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Böhme  Tel.: +49 34779 901-19 boehme@wtb-elektro.de
Markus Dolezich
State certified technician Certified technical business economist
Tel.: +49 34779 901-59  m.dolezich@wtb-elektro.de
Workshop management
Björn Aderhold Tel.: +49 34779 901-56 aderhold@wtb-elektro.de
QM/Data protection
Nicole Hocke
State certified technician
Tel.: +49 34779 901-15 hocke@wtb-elektro.de